Monday, June 29, 2009

12 weeks 2 days

Well I’m finally at the 3 month mark! What a relief! Patch and I went to the 12 week scan yesterday morning and to my huge relief bubs was fine and healthy.

Crown to Rump 62mm
Heart Rate 155bpm

The sonographer went through everything with us. First of all she showed the baby just lying there peacefully, then all of a sudden it jumped! It was like it rebounded all the way from one end of my uterus to the other and slid back down again! From then on all it wanted to do was mess with the sonographer’s head!

She looked at everything, the head, torso, legs, arms, even fingers (which looked like there were six fingers on one hand… um…) and internally its bladder, kidneys, digestive system and stomach, and of course the heart beating!! So cute! She showed me the baby face on, so I saw it’s skull and spine, legs and arms – I could see the two bones in the forearm, just like in an adult skeleton so it really affirmed that yes, there’s a human in there!

The little bub was jumping around so much that the sonographer found it hard to get the measurements she wanted and I was getting uncomfortable with my full bladder that got to the point where it actually hurt… I joked to myself, “bloody kid disobeying me already!” It was a little annoying because I had waited so long to get the scan and once I was in there I was thinking “When is this going to be over!!!”

I didn’t get to take any films with me yet, I pick them up next week with my blood test results for the Down’s Syndrome screening. I’m a little disappointed because I can’t show everyone the great pics! And it would have been nice to have a little picture to look at every now and then! But I’ll just have to wait!

Clare rang me later in the day to find out how everything went, so I talked to her for about five minutes, then I had to go back and do some work!!

So last night we told family and friends the news. Patch called Fabian and Tanya, also Ross and Maria. He rang Sue also (he calls her his mum).

I called Grandma, then Kelly and Steve. Then I called mum, Alyssa and Dad to let them know how the scan went even though they already knew the news.

I emailed other family members so tell them the news and I got some replies back this morning congratulating us. So it’s really nice to be able to get excited now that more people know!

Work is really stressful at the moment. I had to stop myself at one point today and distress. I don’t want to work myself up unnecessarily because Cortisol (stress hormone) can reach the baby through the placenta. So I requested help from one of the other girls that works here who is helping me out. I have spent my lunch break writing this which has been a nice distraction thinking about the baby and not work!! I’ve been having stressful dreams about work lately too, so I’m not relaxing even when I’m asleep…

But for now I’m just happy that baby is ok and I’ve reached the 3 month mark!

Monday, June 22, 2009

11 weeks 1 day

One week until my 12 week scan!

Well we weren’t planning on it, but we had to tell Madison the news on the weekend. The original plan was to tell her after the 12 week scan so that we knew that everything was ok with the baby. But on the weekend, Patch’s dad and Jonah popped around to say hello. I whispered to him as he came in not to say anything because Madison didn’t know, but Jonah didn’t hear me and she said “How many months is the baby?” Madison’s ears pricked up and she could sense my hesitation. I ushered Jonah into the kitchen and told her that Madison didn’t know yet, but that I am 11 weeks. Then Madison popped her head around the corner behind Jonah just in time to hear Jonah saying “Oh the baby is 11 weeks!”

We went to sit outside while Madison stayed inside to watch TV, and talked about it for a little while, but as soon as Tim and Jonah left, Madison asked, “Rachel, what was she saying about a baby?”

I didn’t want to lie to her because if I said a fib and then we told her next week she would know that we had lied to her. So I said, “um I’ll talk to you in a minute,” and rushed outside to talk to Patch. We both quickly agreed that it would be best not to lie to her.

So after dinner while we were still sitting at the table we told her. At first she thought I was joking and she said with a laugh, “Tell me the truth!” So I said, “That is the truth.” Then Patch added, “We weren’t going to tell you until next week because next week Rachel is going to get a picture of the baby inside her tummy so that we know that the baby is healthy.” Madison seemed to understand that and she wasn’t upset. Then Patch asked her, “Do you wish for a brother or a sister?” And Madison said, “A sister because I HATE boys!”

Then I noticed her eyes filling with tears. I came to sit with her and asked her what was wrong. She wouldn’t speak for a long time so I just reassured her that it was a big thing and maybe a bit scary, but it doesn’t mean that we will love her less it just means our family is going to get a bit bigger.

She still didn’t say anything so I let her be. She went to her room while I cleared the table. Patch went to talk to her, but he came out and said she wanted to be alone for a little while. So we left her for about ten minutes.

I went in to talk to her and asked her if she was scared. She nodded, but didn’t say what she was scared about. After a while, she said, “I’m scared that when the baby is about 5 and I’m a teenager, that I will get in trouble because I might not want to play with the baby anymore and I might hurt his or her feelings.” I thought to myself ‘is that it?!’ So I said to her, “it’s ok, when I was a teenager sometimes I didn’t want to play with my little brother, but it didn’t mean that I didn’t love him, we just loved each other in a different way. You won’t get into trouble for something like that.” That cheered her up instantly and for the rest of the night she was really excited.

The next day she told me that she prayed to God and said thank you for the baby. I nearly cried because that was so sweet! It makes me so much better to know that she is excited about the baby now. She is even going to tell it for news this week in her classroom. She was rehearsing her speech on what she is going to say to the class!

So that hurdle is over now. I don’t have to worry about how Madison will react now. I’m so glad that she is happy with what is happening. Of course there will be ups and downs but at least I know she’s not worried that we will love her less (that was my biggest fear). Patch and I will just have to make sure that we treat her so.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

10 weeks 4 days

I had my GP appointment today and my 12 week scan is booked for the 29th of June. I will be 12 weeks and 1 day! How exciting! I really can’t wait and I’m so eager to just get the news that everything is going well in there and the bub is growing nice and strong!

I’m really tired. I can hardly stay awake long enough to cook dinner at night, and at work I feel very lethargic. Which makes it difficult considering we are pretty busy with end of financial year stuff to do. I find it very hard to be motivated at work but somehow I get through each day. Each day seems to go fairly quickly because I am so busy.

Other pregnant ladies on the Bub Hub forum that are around the same time as me are starting to get their 12 week scans too. Some are having slightly earlier ones and some aren’t having it until they are 14 weeks! I can’t imagine waiting that long! It seems like an age just having come from my last scan until now.

My doctor said that now that I am referred to the hospital where I will be having the bulk of my antenatal care, I will be dealing mostly with them now and not through him. So they will directly contact me for any further appointments.

Hopefully the rest of this week will go quickly for me!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

10 weeks 2 days

Well it’s officially less than 2 weeks until I’m three months pregnant WOOHOO! I can not wait! Time feels like it’s going so slowly but I’m getting through each day without any hassles.

Only two more sleeps (hehe) until I see my GP and then a week until my next scan. Patch is going to come with me to this scan so it’s a bit more exciting this time around (especially considering the baby will be bigger and also moving around this time). I can’t wait to tell Madison, but at the same time I’m dreading it!! Patch and I were at the football last week and he was telling her that she must learn to share. He said to her “what happens when you get a little brother or sister that you have to share with?” I think he was testing the waters a bit. Madison replied, “I don’t WANT a brother or sister!” Uh Oh!!

I’m getting some growing pains now, for the last 3 or 4 days. And I’m going to the toilet to pee what feels like ALL THE TIME.

Coming up to 11 weeks isn’t fun, I’m constantly trying to remember what the last time was like and racking my brain to see any similarities or warning signs, but for the life of me I can not recall what it was like last time. I must have blocked it out. But I am praying everyday and God is giving me the strength and the peace to get through every day.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

9 weeks 4 days

Well I've hit a bit of a sad patch. It seems like a lot of the girls that I have made friends with in a forum that I have joined and that are about as far along as me are miscarrying and it's really dampened my spirit and made me extremely anxious to have my next scan. But I still have to wait another 2 weeks!

My breasts are still hurting and the skin is very itchy. Quite painful in bed at night to try and get comfortable can be a mission. Other than that, other symptoms have subsided a tad. Morning sickness has just about disappeared and I have felt no growing pains lately. I'm unsure whether these two factors should be worrying me or not.

I'm expecting to feel as though my abdomen should be growing a bit but apart from feeling a little tight, nothing much has changed. I keep telling myself it's because it's too early or because I have a retroverted uterus and it's facing backwards for a few more weeks! I'm also worried about the fact that I'm NOT feeling any cramps or growing pains. I keep praying and I know that everything is going ok but sometimes your head can play tricks on you!

Time is taking so long! I just want to get my next scan NOW! My GP appt is next week and I hope he can squeeze me in for the Thursday the following week because I think that's early enough for me to be able to calm my nerves but close enough to 12 weeks to be called a 12 week scan!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

8 weeks 4 days

The thing I don't get about MS is how it can be pretty bad one day and then totally fine the next day.

A typical day of MS for me lasts all day.I feel fine when I first wake up and get out of bed. Then I eat brekkie and feel sick (shouldn't it be the other way around!!). When my stomach is empty I have severe hunger pains, but no nausea. When I prepare to eat a meal I lose my appetite and even though my belly is saying "feed me", I really don't want to eat. Then when I force myself to eat, I feel really sick afterwards and basically have to slow right down and rest.

The thing that is really annoying is that my body won't let me eat vegetables!! If I think about vegies I feel like vomiting! If I force myself to eat them I gag on every mouthful.

Yesterday I felt quite rotten all day. But today I'm feeling quite well, so I have officially decided that MS is a force of nature that no one will ever fully understand. Patch has been very helpful around the house which I am so grateful for. He has been cooking, doing the dishes, cleaning, washing clothes and EVERYTHING pretty much! I feel so lazy! But I'm truly grateful that he is so loving I can't believe it's only been a week since the U/S it feels like an age ago. And I've only known I'm pregnant for a little over 2 weeks but things have changed so much since then it feels like forever!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

8 weeks 3 days


After two laparoscopies, Patch and I have finally fallen pregnant! It happened very quickly after my last laparoscopy which was in March. I had my first AF after the op on 5 April and got pregnant straight away!

I got a positive result on a stick on the 19th of May when I was already half way through my 6th week! Apart from the fact that I usually have irregular AF so being 2 weeks late is nothing unusual for me. That's why I didn't POAS until then.

I was so shocked when I got the BFP! I really wasn't expecting it, I almost didn't POAS because I was afraid of a negative result and didn't want to disappoint myself yet again. One of the reasons I POAS in the end was that I was feeling sick all day and really tired plus AF was late.

I went to my GP the next day and he sent me for all the blood tests etc. DP and I told our parents (my step-mum was the most excited she was crying because she knew how much I want to have a child) and we told our siblings. Everyone else is not going to know until 12 weeks.

Then two days after BFP I had a car accident! Someone rearended me at full speed while I was stationery! I was so scared I was going to MC but GP said the baby is safe inside all the fluid.

But then the following Monday I started spotting and was totally scared. I was at work and I immediately called my mum and she said to tell my boss I need to go home. So I did and went to GP later that day. He told me that spotting in 1st trimester was not uncommon and not to worry but come back if it didn't stop, had cramps, or it became red or I passed clots. Luckily none of that happened (although I had slight brownish spotting throughout the week). I was praying to God so much to make my baby stick and so far he has answered my prayers.

After getting over some pretty horrible whiplash, I went back to work on Thursday the 28th of May, and also had an U/S that day too.I was so worried that I wouldn't see anything, and I was in the waiting room busting for the loo (!) and when I went in there the girl found bubs straight away and I was so relieved! The little heart was flickering away at 161bpm and it's size was spot on for dates. It was such a relief!

Oh and also that day I was on facebook and my sister asked if I wanted to get sushi on the weekend. I replied I couldn't eat sushi because of listeria. One of my friends (not saying who yet hehe) guessed it and messaged me and I nearly died!! Stupid facebook you can't keep a secret. But then she told me that she was expecting too and she was 10 weeks!! I am so happy to be able to share the experience with!

Well that's where we're at for the moment, I will add more as things progress! I can't wait for 12weeks so I can start telling my friends!!